We are proud to announce that Kelli Day and Katie Black were appointed Trustees of the County of Carleton Law Association ("CCLA") on April 12th, 2022. Congratulations!
Formed in 1888, the CCLA is now the second largest law association in Ontario. The CCLA provides valuable services to its members and advocates on their behalf before all levels of government and the Law Society of Ontario.

Prior to her recent appointment, Kelli joined the CCLA's New Lawyers and Articling Students Committee in 2020. Her dedication to the CCLA started during her articling year. In addition to benefiting from the CCLA's exceptional training and support directly, Kelli saw the CCLA's role in connecting lawyers to their community. She is proud to now join the Board.

Katie was first elected to the Board of Trustees in 2018. Since that time, she started and has remained Chair of the CCLA's External Relations Committee. It has advocated on behalf of CCLA members in the areas of judicial appointments, library funding, civil procedure, provincial budget priorities, and ethical principles for lawyers.
Both Kelli and Katie wish to thank their colleagues at the bar for their ongoing support. As a volunteer-based organization, the CCLA could not continue its critical work without the support of lawyers from all practice areas and all sizes of firms. The CCLA is our community.