Every week, we will be highlighting Justice Sector updates, City of Ottawa updates, and the best in local street art. This is happening in Ottawa and our Justice System this week:

Ottawa Board of Health Virtual Briefing - Via Zoom on Monday, January 24, 2024, at 3PM. The agenda is here. Contact Diane Blais if you want to speak at diane.blais@ottawa.ca by 9AM if you want to speak. Send your written comments to her by 12PM to potentially have them addressed. The online Ottawa Public Health YouTube Channel is here.
SCJ Notice Update: Chief Justice Morawetz issued a SCJ update on January 19, 2022 here. The Court of Appeal for Ontario also remains 100% virtual until further notice.
Clementine Towers Food Pantry: Amazing Heron Park resident Cathy Hamilton started a food cupboard for her community dealing with food insecurity. Support Cathy and the families she helps by donating food (canned food, fresh fruit/vegetables, and toiletries) or a monetary donation. Contact her at chloeandrhys76@gmail.com.
SCJ Clerkship Program: Clerking is an incredible experience and you should encourage all talented law students and junior lawyers to consider applying. If you are considering clerking, email me directly at katie@black-law.ca. Let me convince you to apply. The SCJ Clerkship Program is up and running. Learn more here. Apply directly here.
Parkways for People: February 7, 2022 from 7-9PM. Do you enjoy the majesty of the Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Colonel By Drive? Obviously. Who doesn't? They are beautiful. We are lucky to have them in our City. Parkways for People is holding its third public event on Canal Parkways to discuss visions for their future. More information can be found here.
SCJ Pilot Program: MAG launched an innovative family pilot program to resolve simpler cases more quickly. Parties in Ottawa can now consent to participate in binding JDR hearings as set out here.
Reserve to Skate: Have you ever shown up during the public skating hours at one of the City's refrigerated rinks, hockey gear on and ready to go, to only find out that the rink was taken over by figure skaters? It is a suboptimal experience. Fear no more; you now have to reserve online during peak times to book free 45-minute skating spots at the City's four outdoor refrigerated rinks:
City Hall Rink of Dreams: peak times are 11:00 am to 11:00 pm daily
Jim Tubman Chevrolet Rink of Dreams: peak times are 10:00 am to 10:00 pm weekends, 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm weekdays
Lansdowne Park Skating Court: peak times are 9:00 am to 9:00 pm weekends, 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm weekdays (hours subject to change)
Ben Franklin Place Skating Rink: peak times are 9:00 am to 9:00 pm weekends, 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm weekdays (hours subject to change)
All other times do not require bookings. You can book up to 2 days in advance and can only have four skaters per reservation. You need to show up with your reservation email. While this doesn't accommodates large families, it does accommodate the organized.
SCJ Small Claims Court Working Group: If you are passionate about the Small Claims Court and its procedure, FOLA wants to hear from you. What works well? What doesn't work well? What improvements can be made? Email your comments to Jane Robertson (FOLA Treasurer) at jajadiver@bellnet.ca.
Strong Feelings about the City's December Free Transit? Share them with the City of Ottawa here in the Free Transit Survey.
Have your court filings be rejected online? MAG wants to hear from you. Identify the top 5-10 reasons that documents uploaded to the Family Submissions Online, Civil Submissions Online, Small Claims Court Submissions online portals are rejected. For example, did you not send the proof of service or was the document already filed with the Court, or is it a complete mystery? Send your comments to katie.robinette@fola.ca.
Do you have strong feelings or neat ideas about Active Transportation? I know you do. The City wants to know. You can complete the Active Transportation Survey here.
Lawyers - do you really know your clients? The LSO wants you to know them better. On January 1, 2022, a by-law was amended regarding client ID. I read it. It does change what you have to do. The chart is helpful. It is found here.
Do you own a vacant residential unit? You are lucky. You will also pay more tax soon. We don't give tax advice but you should speak to someone who does. Learn more here.
Do you know a lot about your area of law? The LSO is looking for applicants for a seat on the LSO's Certified Specialist Board. They want people from outside of Toronto. Yes, you did hear me correctly. Apply here. The PPSC is also hiring for the Capital Region and the Ontario Region. If you know people who would make exceptional crowns (honest, smart, ethical, compassionate, etc.), encourage them to apply here. If you are that person, good for you. Now stop reading this blog and apply.
Strong feelings about Access to Justice? Until February 15, 2022, you can participate in the Access to Justice Survey here. The Action Committee will use this information to prepare their annual progress report on access to justice in Canada.
RIP: Today is a sad day by the dashboard lights. RIP Meatloaf. “This might be a huge ego thing, but I tend to think of myself as the Robert De Niro of rock. I know that’s absurd, but my idols are either sports figures or Robert De Niro.” - Meatloaf.