By: Nicholas Valela

On behalf of the team at Black & Associates, we wish to extend our congratulations to the formidable 2024 CCLA Award recipients, who were honoured on June 13th at the Shaw Centre. The evening was marked by many tales of the immeasurable contributions by so many members of our tight but mighty legal community that are most worthy of recognition.
Rosalind Conway
The Carleton Medal
Meaghan McMahon
The Regional Senior Justice Award
The Hon. Robert Beaudoin
The Legal Innovator Award
Susan E. Galarneau
The Hon. Heidi Levenson Polowin Award for Family Law
Lynn Le Mesurier
The Abe Feinstein Solicitors Award
Amri Murray and Lorenzo Patino
The Paralegal Award
Last, but certainly not least, we would be remiss if we failed to recognize the members of the class of 1974 celebrating 50 years at the bar: John Callan, John Cardill, D. Kenneth Gibson, Lyon Gilbert, George D. Hunter, John E. Johnson, John K. Kebe, Verna Krishna K.C., Jennifer Leddy, Howard A. Lithwick, Peter Mirsky, Donald E. Ray, David R. Shelly, Brian Smith, Hon. David Wake, and Eric Williams.
As Justice Beaudoin mentioned in his remarks, the Ottawa bar is truly remarkable, and we are grateful for the camaraderie and support from you all. Upwards and onwards!